
Here you can find operating manuals and technical documents in different languages for the PULSE STAR II and the PULSE STAR II PRO in PDF format.

Operating manuals:

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (German/English, new version)

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (Italian)

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (Spanish)

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (Russian)

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (Turkish)

Operating manual PULSE STAR II PRO (Arabic)

Technical documents:

Replacing the battery of the PULSE STAR II PRO (English)

Replacing the battery of the PULSE STAR II PRO (German)

Replacing the battery of the PULSE STAR II (English)

Replacing the battery of the PULSE STAR II (German)

Notes on the charger(German/Englisch)

Notes on the metal discrimiation feature (German/Englisch)

Coil connector assembly instructions (Englisch)


Warranty conditions (English)

Warranty conditions (German)
